Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas With The Princess

Uber-Cute kitty shot! Christmas was good this year... better than last year, at least. So far, the best part was playing with the Wii Fit and Link's Crossbow Challenge! Way too much fun.

The kitty was fairly subdued, due to the amount of people and noise around her. She prefered to sleeep through the festivities (on her throne). Although, I think that she has become acustomed to loud noises, and feels alright around them, because of the mechanics' shop where she was adopted from.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Victor Borge *FsssT PputT*

Yeah! So, I am really old on the inside... Victor Borge Rocks!

I've meant to watch some of these videos on youtube for so long... but I always forget about them when I'm on the site! It's a shame, really.

The period where he caressed her (just before the 3 minute mark)... it just seems so lewd... and for that fact alone, somehow, heightens the comedic aspect of it. Strange, that.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Even though I do know that The Tales of Beedle the Bard is due out tomorrow, I can honestly say that I was, suprisingly, not too excited about its release. That is until I happened to walk into our huge cage at the blaws today... and saw this...

...that's when the squees bubbled up to the surface... now I have to buy it... especially at 40% off the cover price... does it seem terribly wrong that I am going to get a charity item at a lower price? *Conflicting thoughts about ripping off a charity... sigh*