Monday, June 7, 2010

The CHO?

I just wanted to show you an example of what I was being asked to do a the blaws...

This is a now claustrophobic hallway that contains the standards of what and how each department should be run and maintained...

...I miss working in the Photolab... printing pictures, helping customers, etc.

This is why I went back to school...

To do something that I enjoy doing again.

p.s. The CHO = Chief Holiday Officer

1 comment:

Serena S. said...

Sometimes we all need a change - onto bigger and better things, yes? Take the great experiences from the past and apply those skills to the future...

Kudos for charging ahead! Having to live life without passion and joy is a big ball of suck.

I'm proud of you chEEse! Can't wait to see you again :D